olive tree fattoria montecchio

Extra virgin olive oil: the secrets of the liquid gold of the Mediterranean

The five “S” of the olive tree.

Sun, stone, siccity, silence and solitude: these are the 5 “secret” ingredients to obtain our extra virgin olive oil.

From the wise alliance of man, nature and territory comes a genuine product of which we are proud and proud.

The olive tree can be recognized by its evergreen leaves, narrow and long, silvery green and by its trunk that is smooth and resistant when young, which then becomes cracked and wrinkled over the years: from its fruit comes the olive oil also called “the liquid gold of the Mediterranean“.

What does Extra virgin olive oil mean?

What makes olive oil extra virgin? When the oil is fragrant, free of defects, with a minimum of fruity taste and a low acidity, then we can talk about EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL.

Why extra virgin olive oil is good for you?

We treasure extra virgin olive oil for its nutritional and healthy virtues. There are countless clinical studies that highlight the nutritional qualities of this food, considered among all dietary fats the best and the most suitable for nutrition.

A primacy that arises from a very simple truth: extra virgin olive oil is the only oil to be produced only by squeezing the olives and its saturated fat content is only 14%.

Over the years, the extra virgin olive oil has remained a genuine and natural product, a juice of olives that transfers to the oil all the precious substances contained in the raw material. From the plant to the bottle, it is the care of the producer in the field, the knowledge of the oil mill person and the quality of the oil mill machinery to make the most of a quality raw material. This is why extra virgin olive oil is so healthy.

What makes our extra virgin olive oil a high quality oil?

The quality of an extra virgin olive oil comes from the olive grove where the distance between the trees, the age, the pruning, the choice of olive varieties and in general the agronomic practices must aim to achieve the best quality of olives.

Extra virgin olive oil harvesting and extraction

To continue with the harvesting of the olives at the right time of ripeness, which is not the same for all varieties, to be carried out with appropriate harvest tools, respecting the correct times and storage conditions for the olives, until delivery to the mill for the extraction of oil.

The extraction of the oil takes place a few hours after the harvest in order to transfer into the oil all the organoleptic qualities contained in the olive, to maintain unchanged the taste and nutritional characteristics.

Olive trees need passionate olive growers and companies committed to enhancing the quality of the product and the territory.

Fattoria Montecchio is a reality that wants to safeguard this tradition, respecting the land and producing high quality extra virgin olive oil.


DOP Chianti Classico olive oil

Fine quality olive oil is delicious as well as healthy. CHIANTI CLASSICO EVOO DOP, which means DENOMINATION of ORIGIN PROTECTED is even more than a good and tasty product: it is a guarantee of quality.

The Consorzio Olio DOP Chianti Classico works with the purpose to establish whether or not an extra-virgin olive oil can be certified as a Chianti Classico, safeguarding and promoting the peculiar characteristics of this precious and healthy product.

Making a DOP Chianti Classico extra virgin olive oil requires binding commitment and technical severity. Careful testing and inspection work are fundamental to produce oils that are always rich in the components like vitamins, polyphenols and other essential compounds, that render them unique, to guarantee consumers the highest possible standard of quality.

Production regulation: the Consotium

Producers of Chianti Classico DOP olive oil must respect the production regulations to obtain a traditional, fine quality product, thanks to those very specific chemical and organoleptic features that inextricably connect the DOP olive oil to its terroir of origin in which it must be made: the Chianti Classico region.

The Consortium therefore assists oil producers in their constant efforts to create a product that maintains high levels of those components that actively help in protecting our health and give the product “classic” aromas and flavors.

The DOP CHIANTI CLASSICO OLIVE OIL is characterized by good fruity flavor, with scents of raw artichoke and fresh grass and a delectably spicy aftertaste.

Montecchio DOP Chianti Classico olive oil

We are proud of our Montecchio DOP Chianti Classico olive oil: not a lot of quantity… but a very good quality!

Montecchio DOP Chianti Classico extra virgin olive oil has an intense green color with golden hues. From the organoleptic point of view, it maintains the pleasant and pungent notes of fresh herbs and aromatic nose and also the bitterness of olive and raw artichoke and a spicy finish of rocket and pepper in the mouth.

The taste is decidedly spicy, with a bitter aftertaste of artichoke and thistle.

The scents and flavors the consumer finds in this premium DOP olive oil are strictly tied to its cultivars (olives variety) and olive-growing environment, and  characterize the DOP Chianti Classico, the typical features of a difficult territory for the cultivation of olives, but generous for the complexity of the scents it offers us.


Use and conservation of extra virgin olive oil

The extra virgin olive oil is an easily perishable food that needs a proper preservation in order to keep intact the organoleptic characteristics: this is the reason why frying with extra virgin olive oil is not recommended.

It is therefore appropriate to store it in a cool environment away from light, at a temperature between 14 and 18 ° C, away from heat sources and products that give off particular odors.

It can also be consumed up to two years after pressing, because it retains its characteristic aromas and flavors for a long time.

Chianti Classico DOP extra virgin olive oil is particularly suitable for raw consumption to flavor soups, barbecued meats and vegetables. It is also an ideal ingredient for many typical Tuscan dishes such as ribollita and panzanella.


Are you curious? Taste our extra virgin olive oil!

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