The Family

The story of the Fattoria Montecchio is intrinsically linked to that of the Nuti family. Back in 1973, Ivo Nuti, who was originally from Cerreto Guidi – a stone’s throw from the birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci – and had become one of the biggest leather entrepreneurs in Santa Croce sull’Arno in the 1950s and 1960s, decided to buy the estate that had belonged to the Marchesi Torrigiani in the 1700s and restore it to its old splendor.
Ivo always had a great passion for wine, as well as business. And the setting of the Chianti Classico area, in the heart of Tuscany, with which Ivo always felt a strong bond, was the perfect place for the story that would follow.
With the help of his wife Maria, who continues to be an important part of the Fattoria Montecchio, together with their three sons Andrea, Fabrizio and Riccardo, Ivo first set about renovating the main house, before breathing new life into the beating heart of the estate: the vineyards.
After extensive agronomic and geological investigations, the older facilities were replaced and new vines were planted.
Ivo then built a brand-new winery to house the fruitful wine production operation, installing the most advanced technology.
Yet Fattoria Montecchio wasn’t – and isn’t – just a winery. It’s a microcosm of many different industries, around which – once upon a time – an entire community revolved. A fine example of this is the furnace, which closed in the 1960s after centuries of operation before being reopened in the 1990s. Nowadays, master artisans use the furnace to create a plethora of unique pieces.
The next piece in the puzzle was the olive oil press, a means of bringing olive oil production back to center stage. After all, olive oil is an integral part of the traditions and gastronomy of Tuscany and the Mediterranean as a whole.
Finally, in 2004, the project was made complete by the opening of the holiday farmhouse – the Nuti’s family’s way of throwing open the doors to the Chianti area, allowing people to discover the peacefulness, nature and tempo of the countryside and perhaps sample – and fall in love with – Fattoria Montecchio wines in the stunning tasting rooms. After all, a bottle is all you need to take a little bit of Chianti – or, rather, Chianti Classico – home with you.