how to store wines

How to properly store wines

As a wine lover as you are, you perfectly know that each wine has unique characteristics and requirements.

Proper storage is crucial for preserving the flavors, aromas, and integrity of this beloved elixir; enhances the wine-drinking experience and allows you to savor the full expression of your favorite reds. So, create a haven for your bottles, and let time work its magic. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced oenophile, these tips will help you make the most of your red wine collection. We bring you the latest insights and expert advice on all things wine-related. We’ll be focusing on the art of preserving and storing red wine to ensure that you can savor its flavors and aromas at their finest.

Once you have found a proper place and a proper shelf (better if it is a wood shelf as wood is a bad heath conductor), it is the right moment to place your precious wines.

Bare in mind a very simple concept: hot air tents to rise towards the ceiling. Therefore you should place sparkling wines, rosè and white wines in the bottom part of the room, while in the upper part you could place your main red wines, that will be less sensible to high temperatures due to their richness in organoleptic features.

We hope these tips will assist you in preserving the quality of your beloved red wines.

1. Temperature Control: Red wine thrives in a cool and consistent environment. High temperatures accelerate wine aging in an uncontrolled way: the risk is to wait and taste a wine that has already started its descending curve; a wine that has probably lost a lot of its good and unique qualities.

Ideally, store your bottles between 55°F (12°C) and 65°F (18°C). Fluctuations in temperature can damage the wine, so avoid placing it near heat sources or in areas prone to temperature changes. (such has radiators, fireplaces or in warm rooms like the kitchen)

2. Darkness is Key: Shield your red wine from direct sunlight. Ultraviolet rays can negatively impact the wine’s chemical composition and cause premature aging. Opt for a dimly lit storage area or use wine coolers with tinted glass doors to protect your bottles.

3. Horizontal Position: Storing wine horizontally keeps the cork moist, preventing it from drying out. A dry cork can lead to unwanted oxidation, spoiling the wine. If you have a wine rack or cellar, lay the bottles on their sides. However, if using a wine fridge, storing them upright is acceptable due to the controlled humidity levels.

4. Humidity Matters: Maintaining proper humidity levels is essential to prevent the corks from drying or molding. Aim for humidity between 50% and 80% to ensure the cork stays in optimal condition. A humidifier or placing a small dish of water in the storage area can help achieve this balance.

5. Minimize Vibrations: Constant vibrations can disturb the sediments and negatively impact the wine’s aging process. Avoid storing red wine near appliances, machinery, or high-traffic areas to minimize vibrations. Serene and tranquil storage areas are ideal and ensure the wine ages gracefully.

6. Steer Clear of Odors: Red wine is highly susceptible to absorbing odors from its surroundings. During aging, air goes through the cork, bringing all the smells of the room.   Keep it away from pungent substances like cleaning products, spices, and strong-smelling foods. This way, you’ll preserve the wine’s delicate bouquet and flavors.

7. Stillness and Tranquility: Avoid moving your wine bottles unnecessarily. Once you’ve found a suitable storage location, try to keep the bottles undisturbed. Frequent movement can disturb the sediment and affect the wine’s overall quality.

8. Limited Air Exposure: Minimize air contact to prevent oxidation. Protect your red wine from direct sunlight and harsh artificial lighting. UV rays can degrade the wine and cause it to age prematurely. Dark-colored bottles offer some protection, but it’s still best to store your wine in a dimly lit environment.

9. Aging Potential: Not all red wines benefit from long-term aging. Familiarize yourself with the recommended aging potential for each wine. If a wine is meant for immediate consumption, there’s no need for lengthy storage. Enjoy it at its youthful best!

Long term aging:
If you plan to age your red wine for an extended period, consider investing in a temperature-controlled wine cellar. These cellars provide optimal conditions for aging wines, including temperature, humidity, and darkness. This is particularly important for fine wines that improve with age.

Opened Bottles:
Once you’ve opened a bottle of red wine, it’s important to take measures to preserve its quality. Re-cork the bottle tightly and store it in a cool, dark place. If you have a few ounces left in the bottle, consider using a wine preserver system to remove excess oxygen, helping to maintain the wine’s flavor for a few more days.

Once opened, reseal the bottle with a vacuum stopper or use a wine preservation system to maintain the wine’s quality for a few days.

Now, choose your best room, take your favorite bottles and store them for a right moment, because remember:

“Wine is a living liquid. Its life cycle include youth, maturity and old age. If not treated with respect, it will get ill and die” 

Enjoy every sip you take as a delightful experience.

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